After a lot of thought Kiley & I decided to home school. Kalen was not happy about this, yet you could see that he was relieved.
That big red dictionary & the one next to it became close friends of Kalen. Every week he looked up vocab words. At first he fought and argued, towards the middle of our home school adventure, he was flying through his vocab.
My one goal in homeschooling him was to make him an excellent reader. I am extremely proud to say that he is a super reader, especially when reading out loud. We read out loud every day for 30-45 minutes. My theory is that if you can read it and understand you can figure it out, or at least figure out how to ask for the help you need. :o)
His best subject is History, he finished so many workbooks! Its amazing when you are the only student how much you can get done.

We got his report card just the other day. A in Science and B+ in Music. WOO HOO! This ensured me that he managed a-ok.
So, as I sat on the stairs and dusted off our school shelf, I realized how grateful I am that I had this opportunity to home school our son. It was a lot of work! I will find out in the Fall if it all paid off. Kalen will be starting High School. I know that he is more confident in himself as a if I could just get his mind off those girls! haha
Thanks to my blogger friend Tammie for joining in on Gratitude Friday. I hope that you join us today or any Friday.
i am so impressed with your homeschooling and the way you've been able to successfully phase him into back *real*(for lack of a better word) school.
ReplyDeleteand i agree with you..if you can read, and understand what you can do anything.
now high school...ugh....keep us updated. :)
i like gratitude friday...i dont know if i can do it every friday but im gonna try.
good for you for making a decision for your son that will no doubt be amazing for him in the future. i would do the same, without hesitation, if i saw the need. more parents need to know that you don't "have" to stick with public school if is not working for your child, education is NOT one size fits all!!
ReplyDeleteyou really do have so much to be grateful for :) have a great day!
I completely agree with you on the reading out loud! We do that at school all the time for the same exact reason! And Hurray for Kalen for his success this year!