Friday, July 3, 2009

Gratitude Friday: enjoy the day

Its Friday again. One of our new favorite things at my house is air popped popcorn. My parents got us this for Christmas, and its sat around a lot. We eat a lot of microwave popcorn around here, so I decided to break this out and put it to use. At first the kids didn't like it.

But never fear bloggers, I didn't let that stop me from making some more. 1/2 cup of popcorn kernels will fill that entire Tupperware bowl! We of course add butter and salt, but its still not as bad for you as the microwave stuff. Korby loves to add cinnamon and sugar. I highly recommend trying it. Its inexpensive, good for you, and quite tasty!

On a normal day I would bump around our house doing laundry, straightening up, and cleaning this and that. Today my husband (isn't he sweet) informed me it was his paid day off and it was mine too. Then he went on to say that he read "A dull woman has a clean house."

I do not consider myself dull, although I am cleaning a lot. I mean come on! What woman can sit at the kitchen table, flat iron her crazy hair, eat pennystick pretzels, read Undead and Uneasy , drink Hawaiian Punch, and check Facebook on her blackberry with a messy dining room as like you see pictured here! hahahaha Just so you know it goes against everything inside of me to show a pic of my dining room like this.

On top of doing all those productive things I listed above I made another one of these . I was going for a red, white, and blur 4th of July bag that I can carry around with me for the next couple of days. I'm thinking its time to step outside my comfort zone and branch out to a new bag. They are so fun and easy to make and all your stuff fits in them! I cant wait to try it out!

So today on Gratitude Friday, I'm grateful that I was able to ignore the messes in my house (thanks to the help of Kiley) and make a fun bag. Enjoy your Friday!


  1. i love your bag. i need to try a new pattern too.

    we've been making the more natural popcorn around here too, but in a pan on the stove since we have no popper. we made way too much the first time, assuming one kernel=one piece of popcorn. we had a ton of popcorn!

    oh and if kileys quote is right than i must be really freakin' interesting because i live in squalor! HA!

    happy gratitude friday!!!

  2. What a great day!

    We are huge popcorn lovers here. I like it salty though, not sweet.

  3. Cinnoman sugar sounds kinda good on popcorn!! Love the bag!! Your mom could really use one hehe!!


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