Friday, June 5, 2009

Gratitude Friday

I have seen this idea floating around in blog land and have always wanted to start it on my own blog. I have so many reasons to be be grateful & sometimes find myself taking things for granted. So here goes:

  • Today was the 1st day of summer break
  • Sitting outside with my family by the fire in our fire bowl.
  • extra time this morning to go to Facebook on our computer
  • enjoying a yummy mocha that my Husband makes me every morning
  • all the wonderful flowers in my backyard (as seen here in these pics)
  • Grateful for my parents who have helped us out a lot lately
  • listening to my daughter humming in the shower
  • having my son walk the dog & do dishes (this helps me out so much!
  • central air conditioning!
  • Dave Matthews Band & The Soundtrack to WICKED
  • Our Anniversary 6-07-09 will be 13 yrs married to Kiley. I love him so much!
  • All of my blogger friends, your comments make my day!

I hope you all enjoy the weekend!


  1. isnt extra computer time the best?!
    your flowers are so pretty.
    happy anniversary to you and kiley! do you have any romantic plans?

  2. beautiful flowers!
    it's good to take some time to be thankful for the wonderful things we have.
    have a great weekend!

  3. Aww how sweet!! Pretty flowers!!

  4. And a good tradition it will be, I'm sure! I like your new header and background - button flowers - very sweet!

  5. Very thoughtfull post on gratitude. It should be very much helpfull

    Karim - Mind Power


These comments make my day! I absolutely love them.