Thursday, March 31, 2011

Dollar Tree Easter Egg Wreath

This is a fun wreath fun to make with the kids or by yourself.

Its great for so many reasons.

*Easy to make

*Inexpensive supplies

*Looks great when you are finished

I had my husband, Kiley cut out a wreath shape from a sturdy piece of cardboard. I used some white craft paint to cover one side. The other side didn't matter to me since it faces the door. :) After 3 coats of was ready! You can find Easter eggs in all shapes, sizes, & prices this time of year.

I had some left over from last year that we wont be using.

Use your glue gun & cover the wreath with eggs. I knew I needed something else to fill in the spots.

After a trip to the Dollar Tree, I found pom poms & foam eggs with glitter.

I love the way this turned out!

It looks fantastic on the front door.

The great part is that it only cost me $2 to make. Do you have any fun wreath projects that you want to try?

Happy Thursday!
Tip Junkie handmade projects


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