Friday, April 1, 2011

Self Portrait: April

I took this picture this morning.

I was in my daughter's room.

I realized that I have not done a self portrait picture since December.

I'm a little over due, huh?

Here are some random things about me:

This morning the Humpty Dance song came on the radio when I was taking my son to school. He is 15.....needless to say, he was highly irritated when I turned the song up loud & was singing even louder.

He informed me that he was going to shut off my radio if I didn't stop. As we approached the high school, I informed him that I would roll down the windows & lock them & sing louder then he has ever heard in his whole life if he even thought about turning off the Humpty Dance.

My daughter chimed in from the back seat at this point "Don't mess with Mom, you know she will do that."

Don't worry people, I turned it down & told him to have a nice day at school.

The key to good parenting is to make your children *think* you will really do it.

I am really into the Adele cds right now. I have 19 & 21. I listen to them daily.

Kiley & I are going to Yoga 3-5 times a week. Its addicting! I even have my own orange yoga mat with a butterfly on it. Honestly, the thought of sharing mats with everyone at the gym kind of freaked me out.

I'm thrilled that the weather is starting to be a bit nicer here in Nebraska. I have discovered that I enjoy walking. Its good for me. A year ago, I would have complained (alot) about going on a walk.

As of this week, I'm down 64.5 lbs. Its taken about 13 months, but it has been so worth it! I have a new outlook on life & everything around me. Its awesome!

Happy Friday!


  1. Great going! Good luck! I am trying to lose weight myself...I do try and squeeze in 20 mins for myself...

  2. im so proud of your weight loss.

    i love your self portrait. i havent done one in a while either.

    and your header is great. its so *you*.

  3. Congratulations! Your hard work is paying off.

    RE: singing. I was listening to an interview with Dave Barry a while back & he said that the best way to get your children to behave in public is to start singing LOUDLY. He recommends butchering one of "their" songs - they will freeze up like a corpse & do whatever you want to get you to stop. I don't have kids, but I can't wait to try this on my nephews.

  4. Congrats on the weight loss!! I love Adele too, and I'm going to tuck that piece of parenting advice away for the future ;)


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