Friday, April 15, 2011

Fingerprint Friday- Thankful

Ever heard the expression "its the little things that count"?

Yesterday, I was sitting at my kitchen table making things for my Etsy shop, packaging orders, & thinking of all the random things I needed to accomplish.

At that moment I realized how lucky I am.

I am a stay at home Mom. My kids are gone during the day. So, yes, I have time to work, clean, be with friends, etc..

I have the most supportive husband on the planet. There are times when I start to worry or wonder if *maybe* I should look into a job outside of the home. He always tells me to keep doing what I am doing. He is awesome like that.

I have a small group of friends that I absolutely love! My friends are positive, supportive, and loving.
As I am sitting at my kitchen table thinking about all of this & I start thinking of the little things that I'm thankful for every day.

*the kitchen table where I do all my creative work at
*my favorite orange handled scissors
*green tea- its my favorite
*good music
*etsy orders
*people that read my blog

My list could go on and on.

I would like to challenge you to take a minute today & think of some of the things that you are thankful for.

I have been very fortunate to find a neat friend through the blog world.
Every Friday she hosts Fingerprint Friday.
Go check it out for some good inspiration.

Happy Friday!


  1. Visting from Finger print Friday.
    How wonderful and blessed you are to stay at home.
    So much to be grateful for.
    Like the orange scissors. Being a hair dresser I like scissors.

  2. I envy you for being able to stay home. Make the most of it. I love your blog
    Every day I am grateful for my children, grandchildren, husband and parents, health and prosperity
    I've got something on my blog for you

  3. So happy that you are able to have this wonderful life and share it with the blogging world. Lovely Fingerprint Friday post! ♥ Vicki


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