Thursday, April 7, 2011

This is What we Do When The Kids are Gone

When the kids are gone.....we like to live on the wild side.

You might find us:

*taking pictures of each other

*laughing at bumper stickers on random cars

*tweeting, texting, doing something with a blackberry
*window shopping
*enjoying a cup of coffee
What can I say?

We live like rock stars!


  1. Haha! That sounds like my kind of date :)

  2. You two look like you have a lot of fun together! I think that's awesome.
    PS - Where are your kids?

  3. i love all of these pictures. the one of you with your crackberry is the best. too funny.

  4. We had alot of fun!
    Carla- it was over the wkend, the kids were at my Moms.
    Tammie- I call it a crackberry all the time! LOL


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