Monday, July 13, 2009

Every house needs a Celebrate Plate

I am probably one of the cheapest people you will ever know, at least my friends and family might say that. I'm always looking for a good deal or a way to get something for less money. So when I saw a celebrate plate for sale, I decided I wanted to make it myself for less.

I went to a local place called Paint Yourself Silly where you can pick out a piece of pottery, paint it anyway you want, & they glaze and fire it for you. I LOVE going here with the kids.
Kiley and I even went there by ourselves once....shhh the kids don't know that.

I get out the celebrate plate for these events:

If it is your birthday, every meal that day is served on this plate.

If the kids get a good grade on a report card or an award at school.

Fathers Day or Mothers Day

Any time that we see as being really special.
I love that this is a plate that I designed, it was fun to make, and affordable.
We have some birthdays coming up in August.
Kalen will be 14 and Korby will be 10.
I cant wait to Celebrate!


  1. i love it. i like the idea of making anything and everything a reason to celebrate.

    (btw: im still working on your next care package. i didnt want you to think id forgotten about it, its just been slow in the making.:)

  2. You have been doing alot of blogging i'm loving it!! Next time with so i can make one :)


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