Sunday, July 12, 2009

Tutorial: wine cork coaster

We are really big into recycling around here. I try and find a purpose for most things before they get thrown out. This is a great project to take care of the wine corks.
Here is what you need to get started:
*a glass of wine is nice (not necessary, but nice)
*wine corks
*circle clamp- The one I used here is a 4 inch clamp. The dryer vent hose clamp is much easier to work with. Here in Lincoln, NE these cost around $1.50. My Dad got me this clamp at a local hardware store.
*straight screwdriver

Start out by taking a sip of wine and enjoying it. :) OK that step was not necessary, but it was much needed around here tonight. I like to start at one side of the clamp filling it in with corks and work my way towards the other, NOT around the edges 1st. Make sure all holes in the cork where you opened it, are facing the same direction.
Once the clamp is completely filled then carefully push the corks down so the clamp is in the middle of the corks. You can see in this picture that all the holes are on the bottom.
Once all the corks are where you want them you can tighten the clamp with a straight screwdriver to hold everything tightly in place.

This is my finished wine cork coaster. These are great for using at the dinner table to place hot items on, holding candles, or as a decoration. Use your imagination. These are great to have around or to give as a gift to fellow wine drinkers.

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial. These are fun and easy to make!
Enjoy the rest of your Sunday evening.


  1. brilliant!

    surprisingly enough, i have corks for dozens of these.

  2. How cute! I like your wine glass to help you get through the craft. Haha!


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