Saturday, July 11, 2009

Knitting a Potato Chip Scarf

I started this scarf back in March and it has been sitting in my bag with some other unfinished stuff. Today I decided its time to get back to this scarf. I am a fairly new knitter. I think I learned in January of this year. I absolutely love this yarn. I think its made of cotton & silk. Not 100% sure on that, I just ran downstairs to look for the label in my bag & cant find it.

Are the rest of you starting to see signs of Christmas while you are out and about? Ive been hearing about it starting early this year on the news. Today at Hobby Lobby, my daughter, Korby and I spotted lots of Christmas decorations. Who is even thinking about buying that stuff right now?!?!?! Someone please tell me.

Anyway, it got me thinking that this year at Christmas time I would love to make gifts for everyone. We have a lot of women on both sides of our families & I think they would appreciate & enjoy this idea. So why not start in July....right?

OK, back to my scarf, I tend to get off topic at times. :o) Ive seen this style called a lot of different things, but I learned it as the Potato Chip Scarf. See how the scarf twists and turns? That is the potato chip look.

Here is what it looks like up close. This is an EASY scarf to knit. I'm using 3.5mm needles. I'm told that I tend to knit tighter. The great thing about this scarf is that you decide what length you want it to be. Cast on 20 stitches
Knit 8, Turn
Knit 8, Turn
Knit 6, Turn
Knit 6, Turn
Knit 4, Turn
Knit 4, Turn
Knit 20
Repeat pattern until desired length.
Use largest suggested needle or needle that gives the desired effect.
I had to knit about 4 inches before I could see the twisted look starting.
I hope you try this out. Its really fun to make. Let me know if you have any questions.

UPDATE:If you don't have the time to make your own, you can get one in my Etsy Shop.
I've got a few for sale there and they are SUPER cute!

If you would like to see me explaining the steps in a video click here.
Thanks again for stopping by.


  1. oh kash its gorgeous. i love the colors in the yarn. it could be worn with literally anything and everything.
    damn i wish i could knit!!

  2. I love the yarn as well, beautiful colors, I am sure the scarf will be gorgeous!

  3. Oooh! That's gorgeous! I'm going to have to try this out. Now I know what my mum is getting for Christmas too...

  4. i saw a pattern in etsy and I really want to copy it but the chips looks bigger.. Its that the same pattern? please help..

  5. I love how fun this is!! Who wouldn't love a scarf that goes with anything?!

  6. I found a crocheted version too

  7. I have knit many of these scarfs, so fun. one thing I've learned is to go up 2 sizes on largest needle size suggested for yarn,you get a better drape. I have used bulky, worsted, fingerling and sock yarns and all turned out great.I love this pattern.

  8. Thanks for the pattern! really enjoyed knitting it. Here's a link:

    and Happy Birthday!

  9. I loved this so much I have just started one for me tonight - thanks for the instructions

  10. Too Cute and Fun TOO!
    Just the perfect scarf for my granddaughter! She loves cute and especially if it makes a fashion statement!

    Thanks for sharing the pattern,


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